Expert HVAC repairs in Los angeles
Reliable HVAC Services
HVAC Repair Services in North Hollywood
Progressive Ac services in LA

Professional HVAC Repair

Receive professional HVAC repair services at Progressive AC Services Inc. in North Hollywood, Los Angeles. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have complex setups with multiple components and wiring connectivity. Proper repair or maintenance requires the expertise, knowledge, and skills of professionals. Our certified technicians understand the system properly. We focus on various factors to provide a range of repair services such as refrigerant leak repair, thermostat replacement, ductwork maintenance, compressor troubleshooting and more.

Using the latest technology, we ensure the safety of surroundings by staying updated with building codes and regulations for commercial and residential properties. We specialize in repairing all models of HVAC systems in North Hollywood, securing efficient airflow for heating or cooling while maintaining clean and fresh air.

How our HVAC Technicians will work?

HVAC Repair Process

Step 1: Inspection

Our team begins with a visual examination of the system's components to identify the factors affecting its performance.

Step 2: Restore

Based on the findings of inspection, we will proceed to repair minor leaks, clean the air filter and fix the broken parts.

Step 3: Testing & Verifying

We systematically verify airflow within the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system to check efficiency.

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HVAC Repair Specialist in North Hollywood

Types of HVAC Repairs

Progressive AC Services Inc offers repair and restoration services for all brands of HVAC systems.
Here are the four main types of HVAC repairs;

24/7 HVAC Repair in North Hollywood

Emergency HVAC Services

The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is an interconnected network of components. Issues in one area will impact the performance of the entire system. For sudden breakdowns, we at Progressive AC Services Inc. prioritize immediate fixing and restoration to avoid any interruptions. Our skilled team provides emergency HVAC services in North Hollywood. We fix all kinds of HVAC models within 24 hours of your contact, from common issues like malfunctioning units or wiring.

Commercial Repair and Services
Commercial HVAC Repair
Specialist in North Hollywood
HVAC Repairs in North Hollywood

Commercial HVAC Services

In North Hollywood, at Progressive AC Services Inc., we provide customized commercial HVAC repairs. This specialized field requires a deep understanding of the complex system and its parts. Our team of experts consider various factors during commercial HVAC repairs, such as the importance of energy efficiency, compliance with regulations based on the size of the commercial property and customer preferences.

Cooling Experts Near You

Experience reliable and efficient air conditioning services in your area.
We guarantee comfort all year round.

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+1 818-383-4233
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Residential HVAC Service
HVAC Repair Services

Residential HVAC Repair

Residential HVAC system has different function as it depends on factors like house size, design and specific climate regulations for residential spaces. Our certified technicians of at Progressive AC Services Inc. carefully inspect the system and fix refrigerant problems or any damaged parts in North Hollywood. To maintain the functionality of the system, we also provide personalized guidance on HVAC preventive maintenance.

Heating and Cooling Service Experts
Progressive HVAC Repairs

Heating Service & Cooling Service

If your HVAC system has any kind of component issues, we offer comprehensive heating and cooling services through our HVAC repair at Progressive AC Services Inc in North Hollywood. Using our professional knowledge and advanced techniques, we repair components such as motors, coils or thermostats. Also, if a component is damaged completely, we replace it with original spare parts to ensure the durability of the HVAC system. With our heating and cooling service, we repair HVAC to produce hot air or cold air respectively.

North Hollywood HVAC Repair Services

Progressive AC Services for HVAC repair

Choose Progressive AC Services Inc to restore your HVAC system functioning efficiently.


With over 20 years of experience, we provide comprehensive HVAC repair services in North Hollywood.


Our company is licensed to perform commercial and residential’s HVAC repair and other services.

Affordable repairs

We offer affordable HVAC repair service to your home or business compared to industry standards.


Prioritizing the maintenance of indoor environments, we offer energy-efficient HVAC repair services in North Hollywood.